~As for me and my house,we will serve the Lord~Joshua 24:15

Blaze's Story / Miracles really do exist! Let me introduce you to mine.


What My Special Needs Little Boy Has Taught Me...

What My Special Needs Little Boy Has Taught Me...

1. It's not about how fast you reach a milestone. We are not in competition. It's about setting goals and giving it all that you have until you reach your mark.

2. There is more than one way to do most things and it's ok if you don't do things like everyone else.

3. Raising a special needs child opened a whole new world that I never really knew existed. It's full of amazing, unique, and strong people that have endured some of life's hardest tests and have overcome things that most can only imagine.

4. I am learning a second language (Sign language). You really can teach an old dog new tricks!!!

5. Some of your biggest support as a parent of a child with special needs will come from complete strangers who have walked the road before you.

6. I learned I am stronger than I ever imagined I was and my son is even stronger. He is my SUPER HERO!

7.  Education is not a, "ONE SIZE FITS ALL" kind of thing and IEPs can be very complicated.

8. Everything is beautiful, exciting, and interesting if you will only slow down long enough to take a closer look at things.

9. Blaze has made me an expert calendar keeper and time manger.

10. Just because they don't kiss you or hug you doesn't mean that they don't love you. Actually, special needs kids can love very deeply even though they may not physically show it.

11. Not every day is good, but if you look a little closer you will find something good in every day.

12. Not everyone is going to care about and love your child as much as you do and that's ok. That just gives you a good excuse to love them twice as much + plus some.

13. If someone tells you that it can't be done, it's up to you to prove them wrong.

14. It's ok to be different, it makes life more interesting. God makes some of us a little different to offset the excessive number of boring people on earth.

15. I learned that horse therapy is called hippotherapy. Imagine my face when they suggested Blaze starting  hippotherapy. Do what? ummm...sorry but my kid is not going anywhere near a hippo.

16. Doctors don't know everything. Sometimes moms really do know more!

17. Miracles do still exist! I have one and I call him my SON.

18. We have more than 5 senses. I bet you didn't know that! Me neither, until I met my amazing Blaze. School has taught us wrong all of these years.

19. Being deaf/ nonverbal does not mean quiet. Actually, Blaze can be very loud at times. If you are around us and Blaze gets loud please know that I am aware and that  I will do my best to get him to quiet down but PLEASE understand that he doesn't realize he is being loud. Remember he is deaf. When he makes noises it's because it feels good to him.

20. There really are angels among us. They often come disguised as PTs, OTs, SLPs, teachers, and advocates. People who really do care and have a heart. Blaze has been blessed with some of the best over these last 7 years. I can't imagine where we would be if they had not been with us every step of the way.

21. Patience is a must. Just don't ever pray for it because God will grant it in ways you may have never imagined. I'm proof!

22. Blaze has taught me courage. I've had to be strong and stand up for what I think is right and best for my son and at times it hasn't been easy. Who am I kidding??? IT'S BEEN DOWN RIGHT HARD (Doctors, treatment plans, school districts, teachers, laws, rights, etc).

23. It's ok to ask for help. The hardest for me is admitting that sometimes I really do need help. It's ok sometimes to ask for help from others. It's ok to ask questions about the things you don't know or understand (even to ask them to repeat it three more times when you still don't get it). It's also ok to ask for a break from time to time, and it's even ok to vent as needed.

24. I can drive in Atlanta!!!! Imagine that. I would have never dreamed I'd drive in Atlanta traffic. Now, I do it all the time. I'll do anything for my little boy to make his life better.

25.  Every child has potential sometimes they just need one person to believe in them.