~As for me and my house,we will serve the Lord~Joshua 24:15

Blaze's Story / Miracles really do exist! Let me introduce you to mine.


Heaven's Very Special Child...

I didn't sign up to foster special needs children. Honestly, I've always noticed the special ones among us, but that's about it. I've always felt sorry for the parents of kids born with special needs and even more sorry for the children. I've never really thought I could handle that or that I would ever have a special needs child. It just wasn't part of my fostering plan. I always felt they were meant for better-qualified people.
"God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the ones He calls." ~Kent Bankston (Our pastor)
Well, God had other plans. God changed my life forever back in February when He BLESSED me with the most precious of precious children. Our tiny foster miracle BB is VERY special indeed. I feel so honored that God chose him to be here with us. When I say, I'm thankful to be his foster mom, I mean that with all my heart. What a difference he has made in our lives.
When he first came here, I thought he was a healthy newborn baby. Well, with time I found out that he wasn't and that he was really sick. He was born with a virus that disables most children(CMV). If I had known before that he was sick, I wouldn't have taken him. I'm just being honest here. I would have been to scared. But, I'm thankful I didn't know, because what a blessing I would have missed out on.
I notice the special little ones a lot more these days. I see many of them when I'm taking our baby to appointment after appointment. I make it a point to speak to them and smile at them and their families as I pass their way. Remember special needs people, are people too. They just do things a little different than us.  I no longer look at their parent's with that quick "I'm sorry" glimpse. Instead I look at them with admiration. They are the strongest among us. They've been through some storms, but they came out better and stronger people for it.
I saw this poem online and I loved it.
Heaven's Very Special Child
A meeting was held quite far from
from earth, "It's time for
another birth," said the Angels
to the Lord above,
"This special child will need much love."
His progress may seem
very slow, accomplishments he may
not show. And he'll require
much extra care from the folks
he meets away down there.
He may not run or laugh or
play. His thoughts may seem
quite far away. In many ways
he won't adapt, and he'll be
known as "HANDICAPPED".
So let's be careful where he's
sent. We want his life to be
content. Please, Lord, find the
parents who will do a special
job for you.
They will not realize right away
the leading role they're asked to
play. But with this child sent
from above, comes stronger
faith and richer love.
And soon they'll know the
privilege given, in caring for this
gift from Heaven. Their
precious charge, so meek and
mild, is Heaven's Very Special

Author Unknown